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Last Updated on January 2, 2021.
Autotune software, free download - Software Update, Nokia Software Updater, AV Voice Changer Software, and many more programs. In today's video I break down the the best free Autotune software on the market! As long as you can kind of sing, MAutoPitch (M Auto Pitch) will take care of.
- The Honda S2000 is a different kind of tuner car, a two-seat convertible that’s more reminiscent of a roadster than a race car. The S2000, which was produced between 1999 and 2009, offered a finely optimized engine that pulled 237 horsepower out of a 2.2 liter 4-cylinder engine.
- Stepping outside the true free versions above, it’s important to point out that the granddaddy of pitch correction is available to everyone, at least for a trial period. Auto-Tune Evo can be found all over the internet as a fully functional time-limited demo. We’ve included it here primarily for those readers who are new to pitch correction.
From slight pitch correction to some cool robotic sounds, pitchcorrection software can be extremely useful.
T-Pain made this effect very popular, but it’s also beenused by a lot of other artists such as Daft Punk, the Black Eyed Peas, andmore.
Auto-Tune can be used to achieve a lot of different effectsand you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on the Pro version of theSoftware since there are a lot of free ones available.
In this post I’ll go over the best free pitch correction plugins available for Windows, Mac and even Linux.
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Now, out of all the plugins on this list, I think that the best ones are these five;
The 5 Best Free Audio-Tune plugins are;
Let’s get started!
Related: I also wrote an Article about the best Pitch-correction/auto-tune plugins in general, not just free ones.

1. GSnap – (Windows)
GSnap gives you the ability to control the notes that it snaps to through MIDI.
This means that if you need to correct a singer’s performance through pitch correction you can play the notes on a piano and feed these notes into the plugin.
GSnap will now use those notes as a guide and will correctthe pitch to whatever notes are in the MIDI file.
This will also prevent unwanted snapping to other notes.
If you don’t want to control the plugin through MIDI, thenyou can set any scale you’d like or control it by turning certain notes on oroff.
The interfaceis fairly easy to use and understand:
On the left you can see the original notes and the ones it’s snapping to, which will not only give you a visual representation of what’s going on, but also allow you to fine tune everything more easily.
It has a 12-knob control system which is divided in thefollowing way;
- Detection: Min Freq, Max Freq, Gate, and Speed knobs.
- Correction: Threshold, Amount, Attack, and Release knobs.
- MIDI: Pitch bend, Vibrato, Vib Speed, and Calibrate knobs.
All of these knobs allow you to edit everything withprecision and accuracy.
It also features a gate that gives you the ability to select on what parts the plugin actually affects the sound, like for example; If you only want to affect the louder parts, or more importantly, if you don’t want the plugin to trigger on any unwanted noises on that track and just the vocals.
You can download it here.
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2. Graillon2 – (Win/Mac)
The first thing you will notice when looking at Graillon2, is the way its interface is designed;
It has this vintage vibe to it which is just fantastic to look at, plus it is designed in such a way that makes it easy for you to navigate through the settings.
It is a very visual plugin since it has a display where youcan see the notes that are being played as well as where Grallion2 issnapping/correcting them to.
This plugin is specifically designed for vocals and thepitch shifting can be smoothly adjusted from minus 12 to plus 12 semitones.
One cool feature is the “preserve formants” knob which, intheory, helps you preserve the tone and characteristics of the vocal trackwhile shifting the pitch.
In some cases, this ends up creating some issues, so makesure to play around with these settings to see what happens.

The speed knob is also pretty useful since it helps the notes “stick” a little longer, reducing the pitch correction jumps.
Grallion2 also allows you to choose how fast or slow the snapping occurs; this is done by adjusting the “smooth” knob.
By adjusting the controls on the “bitcrusher” section, you should be able to achieve some interesting growl sounds.
The typical controls such as dry/wet, low-cut and outputlevel adjustment are also included.
Lastly, the Pitch Correction module can be drivenby MIDI, just like with GSnap.
If you like the vintage look on this plugin and you need agood all-rounder, then Graillon2 may be the one for you.
There is one important note though: It’s notcompletely free but rather “freemium”.
Basically, you won’t get its full functionality unless youbuy it.
With the free edition you only get the “pitch shifting” and“pitch correction” features.
If you want the full version then it will set you back about$25.
You can download it here.
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If you’re looking for the best free VST plugins in the world, I have a list of 225 of them.
3. MAutoPitch – (Win/Mac)
Melda Productions is a renowned audio plugin company that created other free plugins such as the MRing Modulator, the MFlanger, MTremolo, and more.
You can find all these plugins in another post I wrote aboutthe bestFree Modulation Plugins.
Even Deadmau5, who is a very famous electronic musician,uses these plugins, which is a testament to their quality.
MAutoPitch comes with the typical pitch correction features such as depth, detune and speed.
However, it also includes some additional controls such as a dry/wet knob, a width knob which will allow you to control the stereo spread, and the keep- and shift-formants knobs.
How does Formant Shifting affect the sound?
It allows you to make the sound deeper or higher, in other words “more masculine or feminine”.
However, keep in mind that this can alter the pitch if yougo too far.
MAutoPitch allows you to choose between different scales such as; Chromatic, major, minor, and pentatonic, and this lets you setup the pitch-correction in no time, or at least use it as a jumping-off point.
It also provides you with a visual display of what notes arebeing detected by the plugin.
Even though it does have some amazing features and isdefinitely worth using, there are some cons to it:
First of all, the free version comes with a banner on the bottom that is a bit annoying to look at.
Also, the pitch correction isn’t the best overall since there’s some unintentional snapping to unwanted notes at times, even after you set the notes and the scales perfectly and all the settings are in place.
Lastly, MAutoPitch also includes a limiter which should help you keep your sound from clipping.
All in all, it’s a great free plugin that could make a greataddition to your arsenal!

You can download it here.
Looking for Vocoder VSTs? Here’s a post I wrote about the best ones.
4. KeroVee – (Windows)
KeroVee was created back in 2010 by the Japanese company“g200kg”.
The whole point behind this software was to create a precise vocal pitch adjustment plugin without focusing too much on the other effects that can be achieved; like a robotic sound.
This is why KeroVee is an excellent alternative for anyonewho just wants to apply some subtle and precise adjustments to their vocaltracks.
Similar to Gsnap and Graillon2, you have the option to routethe MIDI notes to KeroVee.
This will allow the plugin to use these notes as a guide to properly snap the notes from the singer’s performance to where they should be.
Using MIDI to guide the plugin is great, however this might take some time to set up, and this is why KeroVee also allows you to select the notes you want it to correct to-, or not, through a simple clickable interface;
Enable the ones you want it to snap to or disable the ones you don’t want it to snap to, and that’s it!
KeroVee shares a lot of parameters with most other autotune plugins, however there is one that’s unique to it which is the “nuance” control;
The “nuance” knob lets you select whether ornot to keep the vibrato of the original sound, making the vocals sound morenatural while still being autotuned.
Note: If set to max, even the smallest vibrato willtrigger the correction, resulting in a mechanical sound.
There are loads of other typical controls and features available with this plugin like Tunespeed, formant shifting, panning, volume, etc.
Like I mentioned earlier, KeroVee is excellent for fine tuning the vocal track and doesn’t really emphasize too much on achieving robotic sounds.
You can download it here.
Looking for free guitar VST plugins? Here are the 15 best ones.
5. X42 Auto-Tune – (Win/Mac/Linux)
X42 Auto-Tune is intended to correct the pitch of a voice singing slightly out of tune.
It works by resampling and looping the signal and does not include formant correction, which means that it should be used to correct small errors only and not really to transpose a song or to correct big mistakes.
Even though it is a very simple pitch-correction plugin, itactually does a decent job at what it’s supposed to do.
The interface is very easy to navigate, it can be controlled via MIDI, or you can input a fixed number of notes in any key and the plugin will correct to the notes on that key.
It comes with a “Bias” knob that controls how long the original note lasts before it corrects it to either the ones you selected from the scale or the ones input through MIDI.
This allows it to go off-tune a little making the performance feel more realistic and natural.
Similar to the “Bias” control you also have the option to use the “Offset” feature that gives you the option to adjust how far from the note the singer is allowed to go before it gets corrected.
Both of these parameters are designed to keep the vocalrecording sounding more human and natural.
If you’re looking for a very simple and easy to usepitch-correction tool that focuses mainly on subtle changes, then X42 Auto-Tunemight be a great alternative for you.
You can download it here.
Looking for free Piano VSTs? Here’s a post I wrote about the best ones.
6. Auto-Tune Evo – (Windows)
Auto-Tune Evo by Antares Audio Technology has been released in February of 2018 and has been rising in popularity ever since then.
It’s got a great set of features such as pitch correction inreal time, for live performances, vibrato controls and Humanize.
Auto-Tune Evo was created, like most auto tune plugins, with vocals in mind; However, it can also be used with most monophonic instruments as well; e.g. bass.
It has two basic modes; Automatic and Graphical.
With the Automatic Mode you give Auto-Tune some basic information about the track and that’s it, it will do the rest or its own.
With the Graphical Mode you can go through the entiretrack manually and tell Auto-Tune exactly where it needs to apply somecorrection and how much.
While using the Graphical Mode might be a lot more work and definitely not for everyone, in my experience I’ve found that you get a much more transparent and realistic sound, and the common artifacts associated with tuning tend to be less noticeable.
Automatic Mode is excellent if you’re going for that T-Painstyle of sound, or if you just want to quickly adjust a track.
It really comes down to what sound you’re going for and how much time and energy you’re willing to invest into it.
Regardless of what mode you’re going to be using, the first thing you’ll need to do is set up the “Input Type”, like Soprano, Alto/Tenor, Low Male, Instrument and Bass Instrument.
Another feature is the Key and scaleselection where you can tell Auto-Tune the precise key of the song.
Lastly, the Formants control will keep as much of the original characteristics of the vocals if switched on.
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If you want a versatile and good-sounding plugin that is good for both beginners and advanced producers, then definitely give it a try.
You can download it here.
Looking for free Drum VST plugins? Here are the best ones.
7. AutoTalent – (Linux)
If you’re a Linux user, then this one’s definitely for you!
Autotalent is an open-source and real-time pitch correction plugin that allows users to specify the notes that the singer should be hitting, and then AutoTalent will do the rest.
Not only can it correct the pitch but it can also be used to create effects those T-Pain effects.
Now, don’t be fooled by the simple- and stripped-down look of the interface, since it’s actually a very capable plugin, and you can use it for some light pitch correction or to achieve a full robotic auto-tune.
It includes all of the typical parameters that other auto-tune plugins have, such as; Formant shifting, selecting a scale or notes for the plugin to use or to exclude, and more.
However, it provides one feature that most auto-tune plugins don’t; The Vibrato section.
This section can help you add some vibrato to the vocals to give it a more natural sound, and of course you can go overboard and use it as an effect.
All in all, Autotalent is an extremely useful and fully-featured auto-tune plugin, plus it’s for Linux users who don’t have that many alternatives when it comes to plugins and music production software.
You can download it here.
8. Voloco – (Windows, Mac)
If you’re looking for an Auto-Tuner that is capable of slight- and in-depth correction, then Voloco might not be the right one for you.
It’s designed to be used as a creative tool, which is why you only get access to 6 presets that you can’t even edit, and that’s it.
Each of these presets affects the audio in a slightly different way. However, they are all optimized to achieve the “T-Pain” auto-tuned vocal effect.
Naturally, since it doesn’t feature any more controls than changing the presets, setting the Key and adjusting how much correction you want, Voloco is extremely easy to use.
The interface is extremely clean and easy to understand which, if you’re new to auto-tuners, is great news.
Voloco is a fun plugin to have, especially for coming up with new ideas, but it’s not the most in-depth auto-tuner.
Still, I find it easy to recommend to beginners!
Lastly, you can also download a mobile version for your phone that you can use to sing over other songs you have on your device and Voloco will adjust your performance to the song’s key.
You can download it here.
Top 3 Choices
Out of all the Auto-Tune plugins on this list I’d have tosay that Graillon2, GSnap and Auto-Tune Evo are my toprecommendations.

They offer a lot of features, they sound great, and they give you more control over the track itself than most other plugins.
Budget Alternatives
While the plugins I will list now aren’t free, they also won’t cost you an arm and a leg.
If you have some money to spend and want a higher quality pitch-correction tool, then these are my recommendations:
- Auto-Tune Access: The more affordable and stripped-down version of the famous Antares Auto-Tune.
- Melodyne 5 Essential: This is the most basic version of Melodyne, but it should be enough for most people.
- iZotope Nectar 3: While more advanced, it’s definitely one of the ebst alternatives.
Learn how to use AutoTune properly
Even though there’s nothing wrong with learning how to use this kind of software all on your own, learning from someone can be quite useful as well.
Here’s a course about vocal music production where they also teach you how to use Autotune, Vocoders, etc.
Quality software doesn’t necessarily need to come at apremium price…
All of the plugins on this list are more than capable of delivering excellent pitch-correction while still offering other features, and all of this completely for free…
Since they are free, I’d recommend you try them all out andchoose the one that suits your needs the most.
I hope this information was useful!
Have a great day!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is autotune Evo free?
The Auto-Tune Evo VST demo is available to all software users as a free download with potential restrictions compared with the full version.
Can autotune be used live?
Yes, with the progression of vocal technology, companies like TC Helicon, ART and Boss have developed several Live Autotune & Pitch Correction Vocal Processors that work essentially like foot-pedals used on stage to turn on/off autotune.
Does Auto Tune change your voice?
Autotune corrects the pitch of your voice, essentially making you sound better and on key.
Autotune has become ubiquitous across many modern genres of music – it’s certainly not confined to just pop music anymore. Popularised by Daft Punk, The Black Eyed Peas, Chris Brown, Rihanna and even Cher, autotune has become a vital component of modern record production.
Autotune is both a corrective and creative tool. While many vocalists would prefer for their voice to be autotuned naturally, we’re all familiar with the over-the-top autotune tone of many pop vocalists. Whatever your opinion is of autotune, it’s come along way over the last 10 or so years and is here to stay. Also, the fact is, autotune has so many practical uses that apply not just to vocals but other acoustic sources, too.
If you want to experiment with autotune and implement it as in your music software arsenal, then there are several excellent free autotune plugins available for you to download today.
Many are feature-rich and will offer great scope and functionality for trying out autotuning on vocals and other instruments. We think you’ll be surprised.
Before moving onto the list, let’s briefly cover how an autotune works and what sort of results you can expect.
The Modern Era of Autotune
Autotune is a valuable component of any producer or mix engineer’s VSTs and plugins. The days are gone where artists were scrutinised for their use of autotune and artists such as T-Pain have shaken the view that autotuned artists aren’t skilled vocalists.
Obviously, particular styles of creative autotune aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but autotune has uses outside of vocal pitch correction – they can also be used on synth patches, acoustic instruments, drums and almost any other sound with varying degrees of effectiveness. Many engineers might use autotune to alter the pitch of a few bum-notes that stick out in a guitar solo, for example.
It’s worth experimenting with autotune on both vocals and acoustic instruments as it can allow you to tighten the tonality of your performances.
What Makes an Autotune?
Most autotunes are designed for the voice’s frequency range but they’ll work on other acoustic sources like guitars with varying results.
Most autotunes are simply designed for minor pitch correction. They usually feature transparent audio engines which attempt to effect the voice in the least way possible for more natural results.
Contrastingly, some autotunes produce very overt and obvious changes that can help you create digitised vocals or pitch-shifting FX on other acoustic or electronic sources. For example, you could take a monotonal vocal and pitch it around for all manner of dramatic autotuned effects.
This autotune style is more commonly used in trap, hip-hop, rap and other electronic genres.
How and When to Use an Autotune Plugin
It’s rare that you’d use an autotune harshly on a whole track and instead, you’d most likely use it to address small problematic areas of a recorded waveform. Depending on your vocal, though, you could set-and-forget an autotune to tighten up elements of a whole vocal part. Experimentation is the key here.
Sometimes, you’ll be able to draw in the notes you want to correct to on a piano roll and pitch a sound around with formant control, other assorted fx and MIDI input control.
The problem is, autotune plugins have never really had a reputation for being cheap. Plugins like Melodyne can set you back hundreds of dollars. Whilst their high price is testament to how powerful they are, you can achieve professional results with free VST autotune plugins.
Here, we have 7 of the best free VST plugins available to download today.
1. MAuto Pitch
MeldaProduction has an illustrious history with the support of artists like Deadmau5. They’ve built a completely free and well-featured autotune plug-in and it really is a powerful bit of free kit.
The plug-in concentrates on the basics featuring depth, speed and detune controls. Still, it’s more fully featured than most autotunes on this list and with a modern interface, it’s definitely one of those plugins that makes you think “wow, it’s cool that I didn’t have to pay for this!”
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MAuto Pitch has all of an autotune’s traditional controls. Depth essentially controls the depth of the effect – so the level of how much effect the plug-in has on the entire sound. Detune can be used to nudge the pitch up and down for fine tuning.
The speed knob is particularly important and this controls the speed of the autotune effect. Often, singer can hit the note but can’t sustain it. In this situation, it’s best to choose a slower speed so the autotune effect pulls in when the singer’s note begins to wander off.
For a more overt T-Pain-esque style tone, a quick speed setting is necessary so the autotune is immediately noticeable.
This awesome plugin also contains a lot of extra features like the width setting which can widen and stereoize your vocal. Finally, the formant setting can alter the pitch of your vocal in a way which makes it sound more masculine and deep or higher and feminine.
This autotune is equipped with a visual detector which provides a graphical interpretation of incoming notes. It’s all pretty sophisticated but it’s certainly not difficult to use!
2. GSnap
You only have to glance at this autotune to tell that it features a bit of an old-school interface by today’s standards.
Still, at the time it was a real groundbreaker and holds its own against all of the most expensive big boys and newer kids on the block.
This plugin’s MIDI functionality is superb. This means you can use a MIDI keyboard to play in the notes which you need to hit with the vocal part. You can then use this MIDI information to tune the vocal part.
GSnap’s interface is easy to use and the left-hand graphic will display your note’s pitch in red and the corrected version in green. This enables you to fine tune the corrected notes based on the information displayed.
Effects additional to your usual autotune effects include vibrato which is speed adjustable. This will add a fluttering effect to your vocal part. Other functions include a gate setting which can be used to control if the plugin effects just quiet or loud parts of a vocal part. For example, you could only autotune a loud chorus and choose to leave a quieter, more intimate verse unaffected.
Overall, GSnap is a finely crafted autotune tool which is capable of transparent results. Extra features like vibrato can really liven up a flat vocal sound.
3. Graillon 2
This recently released autotune looks a little different to most on this list. It has a greater number of quirky settings and fx and a rather futuristic-come-retro design.
Below its rather funky surface, this is a powerful autotune device. The correction module is the main component and by inserting this in an audio track and switching this on, you can get pretty good results for slightly out-of-tune tracks almost immediately. Inertia works as a speed control, controlling how quickly the autotune acts on a signal. The smooth control can help slow or quicken the transition between one note to another.
Some of the Graillon 2’s funky settings include the bitcrusher which can distort a voice with digital distortion that varies from subtle to outrageous. It’s pretty cool that Auburn decided to throw this into a free autotune plugin.
You can create some fascinating results with this free autotune that range from wispy digitised tones to full-on bitcrushed robotic voices. You can pitch shift to different pitches and octaves and alter the formant controls to change the tone of a vocal or instrument track.
Overall, this plugin really rocks! It has a sleek and modern interface and extra settings that might surprise you for a free plugin.
4. KeroVee
Japan audio company g200kg developed this autotune back in 2010. Today, it holds its own as a highly effective and fully functional free autotune VST.
This plugin has no flashy fx and its interface is more functional than attractive. Beneath its industrial-looking skin lies an ultra-intelligent autotune that can is capable of ultra-precise tunng.
The interface displays graphical info about a sound, including what it started as and what its autotuned version looks like. You can select the relative note which you want the plugin to tune to and with the calib setting you can adjust the overall pitch of your recording.
With many fine tuning controls including formant control, the KeroVee offers an array of more in-depth options than most other free autotunes. It has a unique nuance setting which can allow you to leave natural variations in a singers’ voice like vibrato.
This plugin doesn’t have flashy FX banks or many advanced controls but what it lacks in functionality it makes up for in precision. It’s clear that most of the programming work has gone into making a transparent-sounding autotune that can naturally tighten a vocal.
5. X42 Autotune
This plugin sports a rather inauspicious early-2000s looking interface but it’s very capable of fixing slightly out of tune vocals without much hassle.
It works via resampling and therefore, it’s not possible to transpose audio and harshly affect its pitch. This also means that you can’t alter a sound’s formants. Still, this plugin is designed for easily fixing a vocal part and that’s ultimately what it excels at.
Unique to this plugin is its bias and offset features which both give you the ability to retain some natural characteristics in your recorded voice. Bias keeps a note natural if the singer deliberately alters the pitch of its sustain and offset adjusts how far a vocalist can stray from inputted notes before the plugin kicks in.
With its MIDI input, you can assign the notes you want to correct your vocal to with your keyboard.
This plugin is one of the most dated in the list but with MIDI and audio sidechain inputs and a host of extra features, it definitely brings some of the best functionality to the autotunes in this list.
6. Autotalent
Autotalent’s interface will put many off from the get-go but it was originally manufactured by the wonderfully talented engineer Tom Baran before being reprogrammed for VST/AU by Oli Larkin – this honestly is one of the best autotune VSTs in the world.
Scraping below the surface of this industrious-looking plugin reveals its wealth of features. You can use it for anything ranging from light tuning and correction to full-blown robotic mashes and chiptune-style effects.
When setting this plugin up, you want to exclude notes in the scale with a “-1” and leave notes that you want to correct to with a “0”. Once you’ve found your way round its basic effects, it’s easy to start experimenting with its advanced settings and FX.
The LFO section of this plugin can generate some incredible sounding effects and combined with its vibrato control, you can really add life to a vocal performance or acoustic instrument.
Further than that, you can use its LFO feature to generate bit-mashed or chiptune effects.
With lots of extra controls including formant controls, this plugin offers a really high-level of corrective and creative effects. If you can get below its rather crude surface, it can serve you for almost any auto-tuning and pitch shifting purpose.
7. AAS Autotune
This autotune has no GUI! That means it has no interface at all. Yep, you’re right in thinking that you just set this on a track and leave it – it’s invisible.
Manufactured a while ago by Arguru, this autotune pushes sounds pretty hard to get that T-Pain or Chris Brown style autotune.
Since you just set it and forget it, this plugin is very simple to use and sometimes it’s just right. It’s always worth trying out if you want a digitised hip-hop, trap or other EDM-driven vocal sound.
It’s extremely lightweight, easy to use (obviously) and it provides results – what more can you ask for?
So there we have 7 of today’s best free autotune plugins – if you were thinking you probably needed to fork out $$$ for an expensive autotune plugin then hopefully you’re relieved!
Autotune is here to stay and we all know it! Of course, not every genre needs autotuned vocals but it’s generally agreed amongst even veteran engineers that most vocal parts benefit from just a bit of autotune tightening.
Autotune can be used creatively as well as correctively. Autotune can help you fatten up a vocal sound, improving its impact, sustain and vibrato. Because of the power autotune can bring to a vocal, we’re used to hearing strongly autotuned vocals in many tracks across genres of EDM, hip-hop and pop music but though many engineers wouldn’t like to admit it, it’s used lightly in jazz, blues and even classical music.
Autotune has become an important component of the mixing process and therefore, you may as well embrace the change and equip your DAW with some of these awesome free autotune plugins!
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