Danieldevotionalonline Lutheran Bible Study

Danieldevotionalonline lutheran bible study lessons

Pastor John will be leading a Sunday morning Bible Study via Zoom at 10:15 A.M. We will continue to meet this way until we can resume services here at church. For those unfamiliar with Zoom, you can join for free by going to Zoom.us

We will be discussing the following Gospel readings on the upcoming Sundays:

Lutheran bible study

Bible Study: 10:30-11:30am The Bible Study is shared simultaneously between the in-person and online communities. Online Bible Study. Click here to join the MyPeace small group and start getting the Zoom meeting link. It is helpful to remain muted unless preparing to speak. Comments may also be shared in the chat. In-Person Bible Study. LHM is a Christian outreach ministry that provides The Lutheran Hour radio program, daily devotions, help topics and booklets, evangelism training, outreach resources for churches, Bible correspondence courses, international ministries, volunteer trips and service projects.


January 10th: Mark 1:4-11
January 17th: John 1:43-51
January 24th: Mark 1:14-20
January 31st: Mark 1:21-28

Please join the meeting after 10:00 A.M. by clicking on the link below. Everyone will be admitted by 10:15 and we will begin our discussion.

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Meeting ID: 861 0034 7202

Password: Shepherd


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Danieldevotionalonline Lutheran Bible Study Lessons

Meeting ID: 861 0034 7202

Danieldevotionalonline Lutheran Bible Study Fellowship

Passcode: 85853258