Parameter Setting

18.1.1. Parameter Names and Values

Set a default parameter value for a JavaScript function. Does Java support default parameter values? Stored Procedure in SQL Server. Passing parameters to a Bash function. How are parameters sent in an HTTP POST request? Enumerated: Enumerated-type parameters are written in the same way as string parameters, but are restricted to have one of a limited set of values. The values allowable for such a parameter can be found from pgsettings. Enum parameter values are case-insensitive.

All parameter names are case-insensitive. Every parameter takes a value of one of five types: boolean, string, integer, floating point, or enumerated (enum). The type determines the syntax for setting the parameter:

Parameter Setting Model

Parameter Setting

Parameter Setting

Parameter settingParameter Setting

Parameter Setting In Language Acquisition

  • Boolean: Values can be written as on, off, true, false, yes, no, 1, 0 (all case-insensitive) or any unambiguous prefix of one of these.

  • String: In general, enclose the value in single quotes, doubling any single quotes within the value. Quotes can usually be omitted if the value is a simple number or identifier, however.

  • Numeric (integer and floating point): A decimal point is permitted only for floating-point parameters. Do not use thousands separators. Quotes are not required.

  • Numeric with Unit: Some numeric parameters have an implicit unit, because they describe quantities of memory or time. The unit might be kilobytes, blocks (typically eight kilobytes), milliseconds, seconds, or minutes. An unadorned numeric value for one of these settings will use the setting's default unit, which can be learned from pg_settings.unit. For convenience, settings can be given with a unit specified explicitly, for example '120 ms' for a time value, and they will be converted to whatever the parameter's actual unit is. Note that the value must be written as a string (with quotes) to use this feature. The unit name is case-sensitive, and there can be whitespace between the numeric value and the unit.

    • Valid memory units are kB (kilobytes), MB (megabytes), GB (gigabytes), and TB (terabytes). The multiplier for memory units is 1024, not 1000.

    • Valid time units are ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), min (minutes), h (hours), and d (days).

  • Enumerated: Enumerated-type parameters are written in the same way as string parameters, but are restricted to have one of a limited set of values. The values allowable for such a parameter can be found from pg_settings.enumvals. Enum parameter values are case-insensitive.