Zoo In China Uses Dog As A Lionjosh's Pancake

  1. Zoo In China Uses Dog As A Lionjosh's Pancake Flour
  2. Zoo In China Uses Dog As A Lionjosh's Pancake Ingredients

It’s a lion… it’s a bear… could it be a tiger? No lads, it’s a flipping dog pretending to be a African lion. We shall call him Tibetan mastiff, the dog who tricked visitors at a Chinese zoo. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, a Chinese zoo in the People’s Park of Luohe had a huge dog on show pretending to be a lion. The dog managed to fool patrons (for a while) due to having a mane similar to that of a lion.

The zoo’s charade went on for quite a while until something extraordinary happened: visitors heard barking in the lion’s cage, only then did they realize this animal was a dog. By looking at the above picture of the dog, we have to wonder, how does this Tibetan mastiff pass off as a lion in the first place? Are we close to the conclusion that no one in China knows what a lion looks like? Maker’s breath, this is hilarious.

A fuzzy wuzzy puppy that is, in fact, so popular in China that people have been known to pay $750,000 for prize-winning canines. Basically, people knew exactly what they were looking at. (Nope, still a dog.) The dog-lion wasn't the only bogus exhibit at the zoo.

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  • Footage filmed by one visitor to the zoo in Zhucheng, China, shows a dog lying in an enclosure with a signboard saying 'baby lions'. Visitors have accused of the zoo of trying to fool them The.

It didn’t end there, unfortunately. When other parts of the zoo were inspected, it came to visitors attention that the snake cage contained two large rats while the leopard cage contained foxes, for crying out loud.

Furthermore, zoo officials claim they do have a lion, but for some reason, the animal was moved away to a breeding facility temporarily. You see, that’s the excuse ladies and gentlemen, that’s the excuse for putting a Tibetan mastiff in a lion cage. At the end of the day though, it worked for a while so hats off to zoo officials, they are China’s biggest trolls.

Patrons are now attempting to reclaim their $2.45 admission fee after being duped. If nothing comes of it, visitors only have themselves to blame. I mean, everyone should know what a lion looks like. Maybe not a tiger, but a lion? Come on, I bet there are thousands of bootleg Lion King DVDs in China. You should damn well know what a lion looks like!

On the bright side, at least the zoo visitors have an interesting story to tell their grandchildren.

[via People’s Daily, image via Wikemedia Commons]

Zoo in china uses dog as a lionjosh

The lion; King of the Jungle. International symbol of nobility. Ferocious, blood thristy hunter. And more recently, cuddly puppy. Let's break it down:


This week, visitors at a zoo in the People's Park of Luohe, China came to see a lion. What they saw was this:

Zoo In China Uses Dog As A Lionjosh

Yeah, that's a dog.

Fresh out of lions, the zookeepers tried to fool visitors by placing a Tibetan Mastiff with a hairdo in a cage labeled 'African Lion.' According to the AFP, the zoo visitors figured that one out real fast when the thing started barking at the visitors. Oh, you know, because it was a dog.

The unclever rouse didn't go over so well with the visitors, who were furious that they paid to see a fuzzy wuzzy puppy instead of a lion. A fuzzy wuzzy puppy that is, in fact, so popular in China that people have been known to pay $750,000 for prize-winning canines. Basically, people knew exactly what they were looking at.

(Nope, still a dog.)


The dog-lion wasn't the only bogus exhibit at the zoo. The AFP reports there were other mislabed exhibits like a white fox in a leopard's den and another dog in a wolf pen.

Zoo In China Uses Dog As A Lionjosh's Pancake Flour

The zoo responded by making a statement in the Oriental Daily that the 'lions went to another zoo to breed.' Right.The Huffington Post had a pretty spot-on response to that:

Zoo In China Uses Dog As A Lionjosh's Pancake Ingredients

So, ladies and gentlemen, when your kids and grandkids ask you what a lion looks like, don't show them this: