Behavioral health explores how behavior affects wellness, as well as how outside influences affect behavior. Education and training is available at the associate's, bachelor's and master's degree. Behavioural Training. Behavioural Training is an extremely important element of all corporate training programs for companies as globally it is recognized in inculcating the right attitude in their employees. 'If you want to change attitudes, start with a change in behaviour', says Dr. William Glasser who is the great psychiatrist from the US. Cognitive Behavioral Coaching (CBC) is a powerful coaching model that draws on evidence based psychological models, to help clients gain a perspective about whatever is at the root of their difficulty. Coach and client work together to identify what might be stopping an individual from reaching his or her full potential and what action is needed to take charge of their situation. Behavioral health explores how behavior affects wellness, as well as how outside influences affect behavior. Education and training is available at the associate's, bachelor's and master's degree.
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy For Children
- 7 Basic Primarydialectical Behavioral Training Techniques
- 7 Basic Primary Dialectical Behavioral Training Cards

Free Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Techniques Workbook
If you’ve found this page, you’ve probably already heard that CBT is the scientific, research-supported treatment for psychological problems and disorders. Once known only to a just few inquisitive therapists, cognitive behavioral therapy (commonly referred to as CBT) is nowadays frequently in the news, with most contemporary research studies focused on CBT and CBT interventions. Cognitive behavioral therapy is the culmination of years of scientific research into the mind and what makes us feel better. Unlike traditional talk-therapy, CBT interventionsmake use of a number of exercises and skills to reduce anxiety, depression, and many other psychological problems. These exercises have been the subject of much study and testing, and have proven effective in the real world. All of the exercises included below are among those validated by decades of clinical research and testing. Click here to compare CBT results compared to traditional therapy and medication.
How Does CBT Work?
CBT interventions provide a simple ways of understanding challenging situations and problematic reactions to them. Cognitive behavioral therapy emphasizes three main components implicated in psychological problems: thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. By breaking down difficult feelings into these component parts, it becomes very clear where and how to intervene when an issue arises. If a particular negative thought seems to be causing a chain reaction of negative emotion and behavior, the best solution may be to reexamine that thought. If a behavioral pattern seems responsible, it’s likely a new behavioral response to the situation would be helpful.
Often, all three components are interwoven throughout difficult problems and feelings. Cognitive behavioral therapy exercises are designed to intervene on all three components simultaneously. For instance, when uncontrollable worry is the problem, CBT exercises can help people to identify more effective and grounded thoughts, which lessens anxiety. In turn, reduced anxiety makes it easier to engage in skillful behavior to actively address the triggering problematic situation.
Below is a list of cognitive behavioral therapy exercises common to a number of different CBT treatments:
Cognitive Restructuring:Cognitive restructuring (also referred to as cognitive reappraisal) is a cognitive behavioral therapy exercise designed to help people examine unhelpful thinking patterns and devise new ways of reacting to problematic situations. Cognitive restructuring often involves keeping a thought record, which is a way of tracking dysfunctional automatic thoughts, and devising adaptive alternative responses.
CBT Techniques for Depression: Activity Scheduling: Activity scheduling is a CBT technique for depression that helps people engage in behaviors they ordinarily would avoid, due to depression, anxiety, or other obstacles. This CBT intervention involves identifying a rewarding low-frequency behavior, and finding time throughout the week to schedule the behavior to increase its frequency. It is used in treatment for depression as a way of re-introducing rewarding behaviors into people’s routines. While seemingly simple, it is a core component of Behavioral Activation, the most effective empirically-supported treatment for clinical depression.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Exercises: Activity Scheduling
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Exercises:
Cognitive Restructuring

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy For Children
Overgeneralizing or Overgeneralization
Graded Exposure: Exposure is a cognitive behavioral therapy exercise designed to reduce anxiety and fear through repeated contact with what is feared. This has been to shown to be among the most effective treatments that exists for any psychological problem. The underlying theory is that avoidance of things we fear results in increased fear and anxiety. By systematically approaching what you might normally avoid, a significant and lasting reduction in anxiety takes place.

Successive Approximation: Successive approximation is a cognitive behavioral therapy exercise that helps people tackle difficult or overwhelming goals. By systematically breaking large tasks into smaller steps, or by performing a task similar to the goal, but less difficult, people are able to gain mastery over the skills needed to achieve the larger goal. One way of practicing this skill is to Act as if.
Mindfulness Meditation:Mindfulness meditation is a cognitive behavioral therapy exercise that helps people disengage from harmful ruminating or obsessing, learning to connect to the present moment. Mindfulness originally comes from Buddhist meditation and is the subject of a significant amount of new research on effective treatments for psychological problems. Mindfulness has been shown to improve attention, pain management, and emotion regulation.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Exercises: Mindfulness Meditation
Half-Smile Practice
Mindfulness STOP Skill or STOP Acronym
Mindfulness Exercises for Chronic Pain
Skills Training: Skills Training is a cognitive behavioral therapy exercise designed to remedy skills deficits, and works through modeling, direct instruction, and role-plays. The most common subjects of skills training are social skills training, assertiveness training, and communication training. Skills training can also occur during problem-solving therapy.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Exercises: Social Skills Training
Validating Difficult People
Problem Solving:Problem Solving is a cognitive behavioral therapy exercise to help people take an active role in finding solutions to problems. Chronic mood problems or repeated disappointment can result in people taking a passive role when difficult situations arise. By teaching people effective problem solving strategies, they are able to regain control and make the best of difficult situations.
Relaxation Breathing Training:Relaxation training is a cognitive behavioral therapy exercise designed to help people reduce physiological symptoms of anxiety, such as shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, dizziness, etc. By reducing the body’s anxious arousal, people are able to think more clearly, thus increasing feelings of comfort and further decreasing anxiety symptoms.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Exercises: Relaxation Training
7 Basic Primarydialectical Behavioral Training Techniques
For more information about each of these interventions, visit our CBT books list for recommended reading about CBT.
7 Basic Primary Dialectical Behavioral Training Cards
Cognitive Behvaioral Therapy Los Angeles is a therapy practice of expert psychologists with the highest level of training and experience in providing evidence-based treatment. To ask a question or schedule a consultation to determine whether CBT is right for you, click the button below.