UPDATE 2.45PM BST: One fan has recorded a video from the Black Emporium, showing the some of the shop's crafting stock. There don't appear to be any new schematics, but - handily - the game's entire range seems to be contained there. Via the BioWare forum.
- Dragon Age Inquisition Pc Mods
- Dragon Age Inquisition Patch 5 Download Pc Download
- Dragon Age Inquisition Patch Download
Dragon Age: Inquisition - DAI Community Patch v.1.0 - Game mod - Download. The file DAI Community Patch v.1.0 is a modification for Dragon Age: Inquisition, a(n) rpg game. Download for free. File type Game mod. File size 315.3 KB. Last update Monday, December 14, 2015. Downloads 13388. Downloads (7 days) 37. The outcome of the beta testing on Patch 5 which will take place in the next few days that will determine the launch time of this substantial upgrade of Dragon Age: Inquisition on PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. You can find more information on Dragon Age: Inquisition Patch 5 Beta from this address.
ORIGINAL STORY 10AM BST: Dragon Age: Inquisition has been patched and there are also two free lumps of downloadable content available today.
The free downloadable content is The Black Emporium (single-player) and Dragonslayer (multiplayer).
The Black Emporium is a bit of a cheat shop - a place accessible from the War Table where you can buy really powerful items, new schematics, and even alter your face.
'The Black Emporium expansion adds four high-level stores that sell epic weapons, powerful accessories, new crafting materials and schematics, and other hard-to-find items,' it says in the Xbox Live Marketplace blurb. 'Change your facial appearance with the Mirror of Transformation.'
The Black Emporium is just under 200MB.
The Dragonslayer multiplayer add-on brings high dragons via a new map, and three new characters, including Isabela the horny pirate from Dragon Age 2. The other characters are a big burly Avvar Skywatcher and a Virtuoso music person thing.
The Dragonslayer add-on is a massive 3.85GB.
The patch rolled out at the weekend - Patch 7 - was 2.6GB on PS4 and 3GB on Xbox One. It addresses a few things in multiplayer, a few bugs - such as beards not aligning properly - and paves the way for the Jaws of Hakkon DLC, which finally comes out for PS4, PS3 and Xbox 360 on 26th May.
'Finally, one of the most important aspects of the Saarebas is animation-canceling with the Asaara's Leap ability. Hissera is a bit of a glass cannon, so if you ever find yourself casting a spell, especially in the finishing stance, and need to cancel it quickly to avoid taking damage, use Asaara's Leap, which immediately fires a version of the ability for your current stance. All three versions have damage avoidance, so no matter what stance you're in, it can save your life.'

Base Ability Updates
Thanks to prominent Thedosian scholars and Shapers, we've implemented a series of gameplay adjustments, designed to improve and balance the player experience. Here's a few to note:
· Unbowed (now called Livid): increases the damage you do and reduces the damage you take, based on the number of enemies nearby when you activate the ability

· Line in the Sand: now locks the warrior into the wall, making it easier to use abilities while holding your ground

· Spinning Blades: now removes debuffs from the target you hit, but spreads those debuffs to all nearby enemies
Dragon Age Inquisition Pc Mods
· Shadow Strike: base ability now costs 20 stamina to activate (not 50) and restores 70 stamina if you strike an enemy that is not targeting you
Dragon Age Inquisition Patch 5 Download Pc Download
· Spike Trap: base ability now allows you to place three traps at a time and allows you to place traps in stealth
· Spirit Blade: now uses a charge system that increases the damage of your next Spirit Blade attack by 50% whenever you deal damage with an ability other than Spirit Blade (stacks multiple times)
Untold Relics of Thedas

Earlier this summer, we asked players to dream up their best (and, in some cases, wildest) accessories for a chance to have them included in Dragon Age: Inquisition. The selection process was a difficult one, but finally, the clear winners emerged from the pack. We're excited to add these creative inventions to the world of Thedas in this content update, and we thank everyone who took the time to send us their amazing ideas.
Dragon Age Inquisition Patch Download
And there you have it: another content update chock-full of Dragon Age goodness. Enjoy!

Note: Adding these additions to your game requires installing the latest content update on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Be sure to do that before loading your save or starting a new game. This update is available at no additional cost.