Marcion New Testamentrejected Scriptures

Categories: Early Christianity

The first person to attempt to define the canon precisely was the heretic Marcion. Marcion believed that the God of the Old Testament, the Creator God, was contemptible, a very different God from the God of the New Testament. He believed the Christian Gospel was a Gospel of Love to the exclusion of Law. He rejected the Old Testament as a result. Marcion allows to change Coptic, Greek, Latin and Hebrew fonts to any preferred unicode font (in the case that a non-unicode font is chosen, the application produces invalid results). New Athena Unicode is used for Coptic, Greek and Latin scripts, Ezra SIL for Hebrew script by default. The Church's Scripture and Functional Marcionism Daniel L. Gard The Scriptures are collected in what is known as the IT canon,' that is, a grouping of writings received as authoritative and normative for faith and life. The reception of the canon by the modern church is inhibited, it. The entirety of The Gospel of the Lord by Marcion is presented below. The text is based on 'The Gospel of the Lord' by James Hamlyn Hill (1891), which made use of the 1823 reconstruction by August Hahn. This current version is further revised by Daniel Mahar to reflect the reconstruction done by Theodor Zahn ('Geschichte des n.t.


Gospel Of Marcion

I've seen the term 'Marcionism' in various writings. I know it was some kind of heresy, but what else can you tell me about it?


You are correct; Marcionism was an early church heresy that lasted long after its founder had passed on. Most of our information about Marcion comes from the early church fathers, Iranaeus, Tertullian, and Hippolytus. Keep in mind, that they were vehement opponents of him.

Tradition has it that Marcion was born in Sinope, Asia Minor around 85CE. His father was a Christian bishop. He was a wealthy merchant and ship owner. Along the way he had a huge 'falling out' with his father and was excommunicated from the church in Sinope; some think it involved a young woman, but that may only be legend. The result was that Marcion left Asia Minor and went to Rome around 135CE. Upon his arrival, he gave the church a huge sum of money (200,000 sesterces – around $7,000), purportedly to buy his way back into the church. Details vary -- some say his request was refused outright; others indicate he was welcomed with open arms but his teachings proved to be too radical, and he was excommunicated again in 144CE. The money was returned.

During his time in Rome, Marcion studied with a renowned Gnostic, Cerdo, whose main teachings involved separating the God of the Old Testament from the God of the New Testament. This resonated with Marcion, who believed that the Old and New Testaments simply could not be reconciled. The code of ethics in the Old Testament was 'an eye for an eye.' Christ taught 'love your neighbor and turn the other cheek.' When taunted by children, Elisha called down a curse on them and bears attacked them. Jesus blessed little children and said, 'Let them come unto me.' Divorce and polygamy were allowed in the Old Testament, but not in the New. Moses insisted on Sabbath Law whereas Christ said the Sabbath was made for man. The list could go on and on.

Marcion New Testamentrejected Scriptures

Additionally, the God of the Old Testament was portrayed as wrathful and anthropomorphic. He had to ask, 'Adam where are you?' in the Garden of Eden. He supported killing (Joshua and Judges) and terrorists (David). In contrast, Christ revealed a 'higher God,' a God who was completely different from the Yahweh of the Old Testament. This was a God of love and grace who stood over against the deity in Isaiah who declared, 'I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. (45:7).' In Marcion's view there were simply two Gods, with the God of the Old Testament being a 'lesser God,' a Demiurge.

This had huge implications for the early church, which up to this point had taught that Christianity was continuous with Judaism and, indeed, that Christ was the fulfillment of the long-anticipated Messiah. By 144CE, the break between Marcion and the church was official. Undaunted, Marcion used his considerable wealth (the church had returned his gift of money) to further his own ministry. He tried to emulate Paul by establishing new churches to promote his version of Christianity. Even though he passed on around 160CE, his movement lasted for another 200-300 years, which is amazing in light of the fact that his followers were strict ascetics. He preached celibacy (marriage was thought to be similar to fornication), which must have had some impact on his sect being able to sustain itself.

Before his death, however, Marcion had created a canon that completely disavowed the Old Testament. He did his best to eradicate all references to the Old Testament from among the New Testament books, and passages that could not be deleted were at least reworded. He liked the Pauline concept of salvation through faith in Christ alone, so he used ten of his books (the Apostolikon). He rejected Mark, Matthew, and John, but used an edited version of the Gospel of Luke, beginning with chapter 3 (the Euangelion). Those few books comprised the Marcion bible. He wrote a full explication of his theology in a major work entitled, Antithesis, but copies of this document have not survived.

Marcion's impact on the church cannot be overstated. By rejecting the Old Testament, the God of creation, and the continuity of the Christ, Marcion called into question most of the Apostolic teachings that had been foundational for over a hundred years. The church fathers had to figure out how to deal with him. Their response came in three ways. First, they had to determine which writings would be formative, finally choosing four gospels, Paul's writings, and various other epistles to comprise the New Testament canon. Secondly, they reaffirmed that Christianity was not separate from Judaism, but the fulfillment of God's promises to them. And there was only one God. Thirdly, they affirmed the apostolic tradition. Because of Marcion, the church was forced to define its faith, which resulted in a much broader, more moderate theology than the one he had been proposing. Though these were tense times in the early church, the end result of having to confront this heresy was largely positive.

In the middle of the second century, the Hebrew foundations of Christian faith were attacked by the first great heresy that challenged the church. Some of the ideas of this heresy so permeated the church’s corporate psyche that it has not yet fully recovered its spiritual and scriptural equilibrium.

Marcion New Testamentrejected Scriptures Fulfilled

Marcion, son of a bishop of Sinope in Pontus [there is some question about this], joined the Syrian Gnostic Cerdo in Rome in developing a dualistic view of sacred history which postulated the existence of two gods, the good and gracious God (Christ) and the Demiurge (Jehovah of the Jews). Marcion taught an irreconcilable dualism between gospel and law, between Christianity and Judaism. The Demiurge and his religion were seen as harsh, severe, and unmerciful, and they were cast into Hades by Christ, the good God. Marcion invented a new canon of Holy Scripture which included only an abridged Gospel of Luke and ten of Paul’s epistles, some of which he edited. He wrested the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:17 to declare, ‘I am not come to fulfil the law and the prophets, but to destroy them.’

In Marcion’s view, Christianity had no connection whatever with the past, whether of the Jewish or the heathen world, but had fallen abruptly and magically from heaven. Jesus, too, was not born, nor did he die. His body was a phantom to reveal the good God, and his death was an illusion. This Christ was not the Messiah predicted in the Old Testament; he was a totally new and unforeseen manifestation of the good God of Greek dualism. Because the rest of the apostles were Judaizing corrupters of pure Christianity, Christ called Paul as the apostle to preach the truth of Marcion's extreme antinomianism and anti-Judaism.

Marcion New Testamentrejected Scriptures Study


Marcion New Testamentrejected Scriptures John Hagee

While the church officially denounced the heresy of Marcion (his own father excommunicated him) and affirmed monotheism, the authority of the Hebrew Scriptures, and the deity, humanity, atoning death, and resurrection of Jesus, Marcion’s extreme antinomianism spread through the church, planting the seeds of an abundant harvest—first of Judaeophobia, then of anti-Judaism, and finally of anti-Semitism—a harvest that continues to this day” (John D. Garr, Ph.D., “Torah, Bane or Basis of Christian Faith?” [1995]. Reprinted by permission of the author.).