- Tales Of Phantasia English Patch
- Tales Of Phantasia Psp English Patch Download Torrent
- Tales Of Phantasia X
- Tales Of Phantasia Ps1
- Tales Of Phantasia Psp English Patch Download Ps4
TALES OF PHANTASIA NARAKIRI DUNGEON X ENGLISH PATCHED PSP ISO – is a remake of Gameboy Color version with the same name Tales of Phatasia Narakiri Dungeon X. It was released in 2010 for Playstation Portable with the storyline takes place 205 years after the event of Tales of Phantasia. GAME NAME Tales of Phantasia Narikiri Dungeon X LANGUAGE English Patched RELEASE DATE 2010-08-04 GENRE RPG DOWNLOAD Google – September 15, 2019 Tambah Komentar Edit Animation English Patch. Download Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X English Patch PSP PPSSPP Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X is a Role-Playing game, developed and published by Bandai Namco Games, which was released in Japan in 2010. Tales of Phantasia Narikiri Dungeon X English Patched PSP ISO Download JPN USA EUR. Tales of the World Radiant Mythology 3 English Patched v0.6 PSP ISO Download.
Shining Blade (シャイニング・ブレイド, Shainingu Bureido) is a tactical role-playing game developed and published by Sega for the PlayStation Portable. It is the fourth Shining game with characters designed by Tony Taka, the other three being Shining Tears, Shining Wind and Shining Hearts. Klik Salah 1 Dari ISO Dibawah (Jangan 2 Sekaligus) 2. Kalian Akan Dibawa Di @EP-Forums (Emu-Paradise Forums) 3. Cari Game Yang Ingin Di Download Melalui Kotak Pencaharian Di @EP. PSP GAMES DOWNLOAD Bagi yang suka download game PSP, berikut ada beberapa link yang bisa anda gunakan. English Patch. *Shining Hearts [JAP].
One of the major attractions of the PSP are it's wealth of popular Japanese games and visual novels; few of which have been released in English-speaking countries. Some crafty people have taken up translation projects to bring the experience over the language barrier.
- 2Project Listing
Making your own Translations[edit]
The basic process is to unzip the ISO file, decompile some binaries, make your edits, zip it back up, and create an xdelta. Hacks may be necessary to allow the English characters to reflow, since Japanese is often more concise than English.
A great way to learn how this process works is to work on the (abandoned) Steins;Gate PSP translation:
Project Listing[edit]
Here's a list of all the unofficial PSP game Translations that we know of. Feel free to add any new ones to the list.
This list was rescued from the Akatranslations Wiki, which shut down when Wikispaces became paid-only. Feel free to update as necessary.
Projects that have been fully translated into English.
- Done via game patches:
- Hatsune Miku: Project Diva / 2nd or 2nd using Plugins/ Extend
- Done via transcripts or recorded playthroughs:
- Last Ranker Via Youtube videos
- Steins;Gate Hiyoku Renri no Darling - Via YouTube videos
- Time Travelers (Via YouTube videos)
- Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3 (Disaster Report 3) Script Only
Mostly Complete[edit]
These projects are mostly finished and the majority of text is in English.
- Being worked on via game patches:
- Mobile Suit Gundam Age Universe Accel - Menu and gameplay elements only
- Nayuta no Kiseki (Practically finished, 99% at least)
- Being worked on via transcripts or video playthrough:
- All Kamen Rider: Rider Generation 2 - via wiki
- Steins;Gate Linear Bounded Phenogram- Via YouTube Videos.
- Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X - Script only
Currently Active[edit]
Tales Of Phantasia English Patch
These projects are currently active and the authors appear to still be working on them:
- Fate/Extra CCC
- Original Team had dropped the project. Picked up by a new team.
- Kuroko no Basuke (The Training Camp) - via transcript
- Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Portable
- Original Team had dropped the project. Picked up by Tradukosoft
- Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai Portable ga Tsuzuku Wake ga Nai - Disc 1 of 2 fully translated and playable
- Tales of the Heroes Twin Brave
- Project restarted
- Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3 (Disaster Report 3) Currently working on patch
These projects have been cancelled, be it because of official release, lack of interest or complications.

- Amnesia (Officially released on Vita and Steam)
- Conception: Ore no Kodomo o Undekure! (Traduko Soft cancelled it)
- Otomate games (made obsolete by the establishment of Idea Factory's international branch)
- Super Danganronpa 2 (Officially released on PS Vita)
- Super Robot Wars Operation Extend (loss of interest)
These projects aren't actually a translation patch/script.
- Dies Irae ~Amantes Amentes~
- As stated by the translator.
These projects have had very little activity and are most likely dead.
- Gundam Assault Survive - Menu only
- Mashiro Iro Symphony - Last update June 2013
- Queen's Blade: Spiral Chaos - Menus
- Suzumiya Haruhi no Yakusoku - Last update 2012
These projects are obsolete because the game was officially released in English.
- Breath of Fire III (PAL PSP game)
- Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP game)
- Dissidia: Final Fantasy (PSP game)
- God Eater (PSP game)
- Final Fantasy Type-0 (DMCA'd by Square Enix) (PS4, Xbox One and Steam game)
- God Eater 2 (Steam, PSV, PS4)
- Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (PSP game)
- Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - Final Mix - (PS3 game)
- Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP game)
- One Piece Romance Dawn (3DS game)
- Planetarian (Steam and iOS game)
- Tales of Eternia (PAL PSP game)
- Winning Eleven 9 (PSP game)
[Adrenaline] A List of PSP Games That Aren't Working
This is on a PS Vita 1000, using Killzone Liberation as the launchpad.
Star Wars The Force Unleashed - Crashes on the first load screen, requiring Vita reset (EDIT: Confirmed, Sony driver causes 'Game could not be launched', other two cause complete lockup)
SOCOM Fireteam Bravo 3 - Locks up on first load screen, requiring Vita reset. (EDIT: Confirmed, with all 3 drivers)
Tales Of Phantasia Psp English Patch Download Torrent
Metal Slug XX - Screen Goes black immediatly after PSP logo, then returns to XMB with a 'game could not be launched' error (EDIT: Confirmed, 800200D9 error with all 3 drivers) Caused by the GTA_Remastered plugin
Star Wars Lethal Alliance - very quickly runs through opening logos, then crashes on the first load screen, returning to XMB with a 'Game cannot be launched' error. (EDIT: All drivers cause the 800200D9 error) Once again, the gta_remastered plugin is the culprit
Tales Of Phantasia X
Ace Combat X2 Joint Assault - All drivers fail to run the game, Sony causes 800200D9 error, others lead to black screen, which can be exited from with the PS button. Seems it might have been because it was a Japanese version, the US one runs fine.
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd - gives 80020148 error (reported by u/Thesem_05) Considering this one to be fine until someone can prove otherwise.
European Soul Calibur - gives 80020148 error (reported by u/RedFlameFox)
Medal of Honor Heroes 1 - hangs after choosing a difficulty level. Tried with the 3 UMD drivers. (reported by u/Rider1221) He was possibly running a plugin, works fine.
Tales Of Phantasia Ps1
WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 (reported by u/DiabloNocturnia)
Final Fantasy Type 0 Eng. Translation V2 - Freezes in the loading screen, all 3 drivers (reported by u/Lexyloveslia confirmed by u/alphamyt)
Tales Of Phantasia Psp English Patch Download Ps4
So far these are the only games I (or others in this thread) have found with problems, let me know if you were able to run them.