Unit 1: Renaissance Europe

AP European History Unit 1 Reading Guide The Calamitous 14th Century; the Renaissance and the Reformation The BIG Questions: Historians have argued that the so-called “modern period” begins with the Renaissance. What changes in politics.

  1. Study 23 Unit 1: Renaissance flashcards on StudyBlue. Main form of music in the Renaissance; poem set to music written in the vernacular, usually about emotional/erotic love; written for 5-6 voices; employed text painting = music tried to portray the literal meaning for text (pitch rose for 'heaven').
  2. Unit 1: Protestant Reformation. The new classical learning that was part of Italian Renaissance humanism spread to northern Europe.
  3. European Renaissance & Reformation Essay Paper 582 Words 3 Pages. Chapter 1 European Renaissance & Reformation Unit 1 - Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance Revolution - the Italian Renaissance was a rebirth of learning that produced many great works of art & literature. Renaissance art & literature still influence modern thought & modern art.
  4. Sub-Concept 1: The new concept of the sovereign state and secular systems of law played a central role in the creation of new political institutions. A: New Monarchies laid the foundation for the centralized modern state by establishing a monopoly on tax collection, military force, and the dispensing of justice, and gaining the right to determine the religion of their subjects.
famous and wealthy family that used their wealth to fund art and scholarship

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The 95 Theses
95 examples that need to be reformed in the Catholic Church (started Lutheranism)
“Renaissance Man”
a man who excelled in many fields (praised as a “universal man”)
instead of writing in Latin, most writers wrote in this language
a movement that focused on human worthiness, human potential, and man’s place within nature
Henry VIII
left the Catholic church/faith and married six women to have a son to heir, yet rule fell under his daughter Elizabeth

Renaissance Europe Art

Elizabeth I
rule fell under her, she set the ground rules of religion for England
Counter Reformation
when Catholics made changes that were inspired by The 95 Theses
the depth in the painting found in Italian Renaissance paintings
The conditions in Italy that led to the Renaissance
RCC is a force and dominates European life. Learning a philosophy of the classical world is lost. But come closer to contact with the Middle East. The classical world was again in contact with Italy.
Explain the main values & ideas of Humanism vs. Christian Humanism
Unit 1: renaissance europe architecture
Humanism followed classical traditions by focusing on human potential and achievements while Christian Humanism had the idea that human beings are worthy and wanted to spread the Bible.
Identify two Renaissance artists
Leonardo da Vinci (Mona Lisa, the Last Supper)
Michaelangelo (the statue of David)
Identify two Renaissance writers
Erasmus (wrote the “Diatribe Against the Pope”)
William Shakespeare (wrote plays with deep understanding of human beings)

Geography Of Renaissance Europe

Analyze the differences between Northern and Italian Renaissance paintings
Northern – focused on peasant life used a darker pallet
Italian – noticeable perspective, used a brighter pallet
Evaluate the importance of the printing press and its impact on society
allowed others to read the Bible and determine their own ideas and thoughts about the Catholic church/faith
Identify the causes that led to the reformation
Catholic church had suffered from set backs (crusades, plague), corruption (not most efficient and honest), Indulgences (paying money to the Church)
Analyze the impact of Luther’s revolt
led to the Counter Reformation, emphasized Christian Humanism, started the religion of Lutheranism, inspired other reformer’s (Calvin) to do the same
Explain the spread of the Protestant faith to England
Henry wasn’t allowed to divorce (annul) in the Catholic Church so he created his own Protestant church so he could divorce to have a son to heir the throne. Elizabeth then set the grounds for Protestant religion in England
Summarize the beliefs of other reformers
there were many other reformers for example John Calvin, he believed in a strict religion that focused on predestination
Summarize the Counter Reformation
the Popes Paul III and Paul IV directed a council of cardinals to investigate indulgence selling, set up the Council of Trent where Catholic bishops and cardinals agreed on several doctrines

Unit 1 Renaissance Europe

What doctrines were agreed on at the Council of Trent
– Church’s interpretation of the Bible was final
– Christians need faith and good works for salvation
– The Bible and Church tradition were equally powerful for guiding Christian life
– Indulgences were valid expressions of faith

Renaissance Europe C 1500

Evaluate the role of Humanism in the Renaissance and the Reformation

Unit 1: Renaissance Europe River Cruise

Humanism in the Renaissance focused on tradition of classical works, this helped create ideas for inventions and buildings
Christian Humanism in the Reformation focused on the fact that the Bible was being spread to increase everyone’s own understanding of God, this challenged the view of the Catholic Church

Renaissance Europe C 1500 Map

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Unit #1 - Intro Renaissance - Reformation

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Religious Wars FRQ Activity (9.23)
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Remember limit to three slides and do not alter other groups slides. Sep 8, 2014, 7:36 AMRick Rexroth

Sep 24, 2013, 7:01 AMRick Rexroth
1132kv. 1 Jan 5, 2015, 12:45 PMAnne Sateren Burow
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4191kv. 3 Feb 10, 2015, 7:34 PMAnne Sateren Burow
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Reformation Class Notes 14024kv. 3 Feb 10, 2015, 7:33 PMAnne Sateren Burow
Sateren lecture notes on Reformation (Sept. 17/18) 14159kv. 3 Feb 10, 2015, 7:33 PMAnne Sateren Burow
11756kv. 3 Feb 10, 2015, 7:33 PMAnne Sateren Burow
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Italian City States & Medici 17345kv. 3 Feb 10, 2015, 7:33 PMAnne Sateren Burow
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Northern Renaissance 17833kv. 3 Feb 10, 2015, 7:33 PMAnne Sateren Burow
19353kv. 3 Feb 10, 2015, 7:34 PMAnne Sateren Burow
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